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04/24/18 05:23 PM #3069    


James Hamilton, M. D.


Good treatment! The injectable one is most likely one of the VEGF inhibitors. There are about 4 of them on the market and are all about the same.

Do you know the name of the one advertised on TV, the other one you take?


04/25/18 12:18 PM #3070    


Mark Schweickart

Dr. Jim -- just a warning about beginning to offer free medical advice on this site of creaking 70 year-olds. You might blow up the forum. I was told by Mr. LaVelle that when he approached you at our reunion and asked you what this nasty thing was on his neck, you replied, "It's called, 'your head', Tim," and then you turned and walked away. I don't know if there is any truth to this, but then again, Tim is not one known to exaggerate or make light of things, so I imagine this was true. No doubt this was simply your way to protect yourself from people lining up at your table to seek free medical advice. You may need to prepare a list of similar snappy one-liners to shoot back with to use here on the forum.


04/25/18 01:29 PM #3071    

Timothy Lavelle


In defense of Jim, he was right about the bump! 

In defense of myself...I have never exaggerated, literally, never...not one time. I do find it a little difficult being the only person who is continually correct about every subject. I'll be signing autographs on the south lawn, adjacent to the crash site, at noon!

04/25/18 01:37 PM #3072    


James Hamilton, M. D.


Who said anything about FREE??? I sent Tim a bill but his Obamacare denied payment since I did not remove the offending bump. 😷

04/25/18 02:24 PM #3073    


Frank Ganley

Jim I’m heartly sorry my malidies that i gave you were not for advice(lol) but just to reference my need for my preferred pain management system. Mark, being an md. at a party is only slightly better than being a golf pro. Evveryone wants a lesson and a cure. As the questions and their ideas get to be about to much i will ask everyone to assume the address position, i will then hold my arms in the air and yell, “ Jesus heal them in your name” that about does it. If not i will ask how much they make an hour and bill accordingly 

04/25/18 02:41 PM #3074    

Timothy Lavelle


Isn't there another, more common name for "golf pro"? 


04/25/18 02:58 PM #3075    


James Hamilton, M. D.

Free advice is worth every penny paid for it!

Seriously, I enjoy giving it out since it keeps that part of my brain active and justifies my continuing to subscribe to medical journals.

Besides, Mike McLeod gives us advice on how ro research topics, Mark on writing books, Donna on Spain's current events, Dave on the way it was in Viet Nam, and Tim and Beth on how not to mow a lawn.


04/25/18 08:55 PM #3076    


David Mitchell

This is kind of funny.

How often did I hear stories of my Dad getting "cornered" at a cocktail parrty or social engagement by someone wanting to grill him about their various conditions and maladies - for what seemed like forever a couple of times.  Outside of his office, the hospital, or the Medical School, he would never introduce himself as anything but Bill Mitchell and even asked some of his party hosts not to let on that he was a physician. 


Now by the way Jim, I was wondering if you could tell me what this pain in my back is from and what do you suggest I take for it? 

Maybe you could set up a schedule of "office hours" for some part of our future reunions and Janie could set up some sort of advanced appointment system on this website.

I'll take the half hour at 9:30 if it's still open. But before you examine me, I'll need time to digest my lemonaide and cheese sandwiches, with or without the crust cut off.


04/25/18 09:52 PM #3077    


Linda Weiner (Bennett)

LMAO! I was planning to change the subject but this medical "discussion" is way more fun. 

04/25/18 09:55 PM #3078    


James Hamilton, M. D.


A rheumatologist died and was confronted by St. Peter and the devil. They indicated that the doctor could choose his eternal fate but whatever he chose he would be expected to work. St. Peter said that Heaven could use a good rheumatologist and proceeded to show him their clinic which consisted of a run down building with peeling paint, old yellow lighting and exam tables in need of repair. The devil told him that he, too, needed such a specialist and then showed him a modern, facility with brand new equipment, a full staff of support personnel and beautiful artwork on the freshly painted walls.

After considering the options the rheumatologist went with the latter option.

The next day the doctor walked into the sparkling clinic and began to see patients. The first three patients he saw complained of chronic low back pain. When he checked his schedule he saw the same diagnosis for all the patients scheduled for that day. The devil approached and asked how his day was going and the doctor complained that there seemed to be an epidemic of back pain. The devil replied "They all have low back pain. That's the hell of it."


04/26/18 01:11 PM #3079    


Beth Broadhurst (Murray)




Just logged in not having read posts for several months after spending  a busy winter in Pittsburgh shoveling lots of snow. Yes, I still shovel!  I happened to see your comment about Tim and I. I’m no longer giving  advice on grass cutting techniques.  I broke my leg 4 years ago and kept right on mowing my lawn without incidence.  However,  now  that I turned 70 decided it’s time to let money fly out of my wallet to my grandson for grass cuts. “There’s no fool like an old fool” and I’m trying hard to tame down my extreme independent streak!

On the medical discussion about free advice, as a physical therapist, while holding a license I can be sued for free advice that goes wrong. . So advice may not be free for  the practioner.  I don’t know if this is true in all states but did apply  to my  New Jersey license  



04/26/18 02:38 PM #3080    


James Hamilton, M. D.


Glad to see you back on the Forum after that hard winter in Pennsylvania.

One must always be careful about doling out medical advice, free or otherwise, to someone whom you have not examined. If you read what I have written on my medical entries, it is more of discussing what the current medical research is on a certain topic, what treatments are available for certain conditions and maybe what a specific disease is. It is neither my intention, nor is it my desire, to recommend a specific course of therapy for any individual. That is up to them and their providers.

Not to be critical of other doctors or health care providers but I have spent a lot of time trying to explain to patients what others have told them. Often it was because the patient's mind shut down and heard nothing after being given a frightening diagnosis, but sometimes it was the fault of the doctor or the "system" (time constraints). And I am sure I have been guilty of this myself. As an internist and Primary Care Manager (I never liked that term!) I felt it was a big part of my job to educate patients on their diseases. I guess I still like to do that!


04/27/18 09:22 AM #3081    


David Mitchell

Welcome back Beth. I don't think you missed anything. 

04/27/18 12:38 PM #3082    


Michael McLeod

Beth Broadhurst. Frontier woman. Shrugs off fractures. There's cows to milk and little dogies to round up. 

04/27/18 04:38 PM #3083    


Frank Ganley

Tim, there many names for golf pro or as i prefer golf professional. Difference if i was a professional golfer i would be a very thin man as my winning have been many but the amounts have been very small. Thank god i am a golf professional as it allows me to support my family and my many vices. Golf bum is one that my dad called me when i told him no college and I'm  on to being a golf pro. In 1966 there weren’t too many golf courses so then he was kind of right. Now of course it is the busness of golf and at times lucrative. Hooker . Now one who hooks could be a hooker but because a hooker never looks good while hooking while women in the cival war who followed Gen Hooker were known as HookerBrigade always looked good doing it. Now a slicer in my opinion is almost as bad as the forementioned hooker but the beauty of a slice is, you can talk to a slice but hook will never listen. The great thing though of being a golf pro is you dress in the most outlandish outfits and be called a fabulous dresser. Nothing like strips and checks together. Early in JACK Nichlaus’ career he signed a very lucrative clothing deal with harts shafner and marx, still in business. Jsck would wear their cloths but they hated what he put together. If you notice when looking at old tournaments jack was in he wore a white hat , white shoes, and a white glove. They went with everything. Later they would just lay outhis locker with a new outfit everyday. Jack didnt have to pack at all they dressed him. Why , Jacks color blind. And now you know the rest of the story. 

04/27/18 05:18 PM #3084    


Linda Weiner (Bennett)


​Ok. I received Images of America, Columbus The Musical Crossroads  with photos of family which I  spoke about earlier. These photos hung on the wall at Hank Newman’s Restaurant along with many other "famous" celebrities. 


  1. First is dad's group around 1947, with my female cousin who was 15 years old I believe. Later, she was in Cincinnati on “Midwestern Hayride” and travelled with Eddy Arnold for short time. I understand she could really yodel! 



  1. Donna Jean (above), mother’s niece, married John Spies (accordion & piano player) in photo some years later. No, I have never seen one of these movies.



  1. My sister married this drummer, Bob Finkes. He is listed as Bob Bozo, but I think resource person, Donna Newman (Hanks widow), may have have had him confused with another musician.


And those are my family members who were musically inclined, made a partial living at it, and who I happened to find in that Columbus book.


Honestly, there are way more interesting folks in this book than my family: Bob Marvin (Flippo), DR. Bop, Phil Gary, and many other bands from our youth.


04/27/18 07:16 PM #3085    


James Hamilton, M. D.


What a great musical family you have in your background! I imagine you heard a lot of fantastic tunes as you grew up.

The Phil Gary you mentioned - I assume he was the BWHS grad (class of '64 I think) who was on the basketball team, a guard, and later had a successful music career.


04/27/18 10:25 PM #3086    


David Mitchell


You came through girl. You finnaly found it. This is fantastic!

I think you may have just shoved Tim's story about "Big Sally",  and Clare's story about that last game at St. John Arena down to 2nd and 3rd place in our all-time best posts. I absolutely love this!!!!

And how I remember those square dancers on Midwestern Hayride ?


(This beats vomitting from a helicopter cockpit any day!)




As a life-long "slicer" please tell me how one "talks to a slice".


04/28/18 10:51 AM #3087    


Michael McLeod

No matter how many times I see it there is a split second, every time I see Jim's photo, when I think: "who is that strange man and why is he hopping around on a pogo stick in the wilderness?"

04/28/18 12:11 PM #3088    


John Maxwell

Mike, I agree, "Pogo Jim" like Pacos Bill, a western ledgend.

Here are a few childhood and teenaged memory flashes, The Crosly broadcasting network presents Ruth Lyons' 50/50 Club, featuring Bob Braun. Valley Dale, The Dantes featuring Barry Hayden singing their local hit "Can't get enough of your love." The Marauders, playing top 10 covers. Isley's Ice Cream featuring my personal favorite Butter brickle. Sandy's burgers after school. Coin changers on the buses. Soda fountains in the pharmacy. Real chocolate, cherry, and vanilla cokes. BBbats,responsible for many trips to the dentist, licorice whips, jujubees, milkduds, snack bag auctions in grade school. Finally steam locomotives. Woooo wooooo! There so many more memories, tactile, audio, and tasty. I mostly remember the good feelings these memories evoke. Oh if anyone knows where butter brickle can be found, lay it on me.
And spring, if anyone knows where that can be found. It's the little things in life that give the most pleasure.

04/28/18 03:03 PM #3089    


David Mitchell

Sorry Jack

but it's 79 here on the dock on the May River. Bright sun, light breeze. But I just said goodbye to my two daughters and two of my grandkids. I'd trade cold and rainy days to have had them stay longer.


And don't forget "Bun Bars" (in the dark brown wrapper). I'm told they can no longer be found because candy vending machines only accept long narrow shapes. "Buns" were square  - - but oh, so good. Chocolate poured over a cream center with nuts. mmmmm!


Frank, teh only thing I know to say to "speak" to a slice is something like "Oh Darn" or "Aww Heck". Is that what you meant?

04/28/18 06:08 PM #3090    


Fred Clem


Walmart has Bun Bars on their website,  $29.99 for a box of 24 with free shipping.  You could probably have them delivered to a store near you for even less.  The brown wrapper was maple flovored.  It also came in a vanilla variety.

04/28/18 10:10 PM #3091    


David Mitchell


If I had to trust one man on the entire planet to find this, it would be you. But the original wrappers were dark brown. I think those were the vanilla ones. I didn't even know there was a "maple" flavor. 

04/28/18 10:14 PM #3092    


David Mitchell

The world is amazingly small!

Tonight I was tired and parked myself on the couch to watch TV, and nothing interested me. But I kept going back to a CBS News Special about last week’s arrest of the “Golden State Murderer”. The one about the 40+year search for the rapist and murder that they just arrested in California this past week - a former cop with dozens of rapes and murders. They interviewed many people - some multiple times. I kept thinking one lady - a victim from back in the 70's or 80's looked familiar. They showed her about 4 or 5 times (maybe more) and I finally was paying attention when they gave her name. Her name is Jane Sandler, a former Air Force Colonel and she is the wife of Roger Sandler, a former Air Force General. They are members of my church and I know them. When it hit me I just about jumped out of my chair!


This just added:  Wow! Jane Sandler's story, the local victim in this nationwide story, has been all over my local newspaper (The Island Packet) this past week. I don't get the paper, and also just had my two daughters and two of my grandkids here for 4 days, so I am using that as my excuse for missing this. Glad I watched tonight's show.

04/28/18 11:42 PM #3093    


James Hamilton, M. D.

O.K. already! My previous picture was bombarded with insults such as Tim's reference to looking like a momma kangaroo, Frank's diagnosing me with rickets and Mike saying I appeared to be on a pogo stick! So I went through my archives and found a shot of myself and Janet from September, 1976 in a wilderness area off of Independence Pass near Aspen, Colorado. There are very few pictures among the thousands that I have with me in them (I am usually on the other side of the camera).

I worked hard to get this photograph! I placed my camera and tripod on a bridge over a small stream, used a 300 mm zoom lens, set the shutter release timer to its max (~10 seconds), then like a kangaroo hopped my rickets-affected body off the bridge got on my pogo stick and jumped my way to Janet about 15 yards away, turned and smiled for the camera just as the shutter clicked.

I was a lot younger then.


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