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02/23/19 11:24 PM #4844    


John Jackson

Dave, thanks for your story about your encounter with my sister Liz which you have told me about only fragmentarily in the past.  With your permission, I’ll pass it on to her.  As I think you know, she has rejoined the Dominicans after a 30 year hiatus.  She’s now in Michigan helping out at a Dominican senior care facility 30 or so miles north of Detroit.

Thanks also for your kind comments about the Jackson family, but I have to say it’s not enough to get you back into my good graces after you outed me in a previous post for supporting Nixon over Kennedy in the 1960 election.

02/24/19 12:16 AM #4845    


Michael McLeod

John: as far as being pubic spirited, I really don't have much choice in the matter. But it was clever of you and I missed it completely. (Which is redundant. You either miss something or you don't.)

02/24/19 05:04 AM #4846    


David Mitchell

For Pete's sake John, there you go again - - fragmentarily"?  Confound it!  I'm still trying to get over Tim's "conundrum".

I apologize for leaking the Nixon / Lodge campaign butttons story. But I'm not backing down on the stuff about "You Asked For It".


On a serious note - yes I did know about Liz's return to the order. And since you had informed me of that a while back, I stopped by the Dominican Residence hall at Ohio Dominican campus last summer to see if she was in. They told me she commutes from Michigan to Columbus from time to time, helping out at both locations - she's still such a slacker!

I left her some reading material (from two local Hilton Head articles) about a kid she used to know, flying lazy circles in a helicopter around the "Delta". 


02/24/19 09:54 AM #4847    


John Jackson

Mike, after I wrote that piece I knew it was kind of preachy and needed a little something to liven it up.  As I looked for a word to misspell, “public” just leaped off the page and, although this is a devout group, I couldn’t resist  the temptation.  However, after coining the term, I found the concept elusive and I’m indebted to you for helping us tease out its meaning.  

And, Dave, I’ve decided not to cross you - like Michael Cohen, you do indeed know where all the bodies are buried.


02/24/19 03:36 PM #4848    

Timothy Lavelle

"Dinner plate" sized snow flakes this morning.

02/24/19 03:50 PM #4849    

Lawrence Foster

Mike McLeod posted/shared this item to me on my Facebook timeline and I am going to share it here.  I have been out of sight and lurking for a while.  Foot surgery recovery is going slow but better.  I am able to get in the water now and last week I started back swimming laps and doing my deep water aerobics.  Yep, being inactive for 2 months takes a toll!     

02/24/19 04:30 PM #4850    


Michael McLeod

thanks Larry. Hope you are back in the swim/on your feet soon.

I'll always connect Schultz with the sweetness of childhood. He was the Mister Rogers of the funny papers.  

Oh, and John: can you spot the mispelled word -- one that spellcheck could not have bailed him out on, even if he'd had it at the time --  in his letter?

The letter, by the way, was stashed somewhere and just recently rediscovered. 

02/24/19 05:12 PM #4851    

Mary Clare Hummer (Bauer)

Too easy, Mike; he used “then” instead of “than”. I missed the background on the letter, though. Is this to a Joel we should know or just highlighting Schultz’s comments?  How did you come into possession?  The date had me thinking back to the events that would provoke his comments in 1970 and, of course, recognizing that he could write that same letter today. 


02/24/19 05:42 PM #4852    


David Mitchell


Wow, I was beginning to wonder. It's high time you showed up again. You can lurk all you want, but sooner or later you need to get up off your rear end and give us some more of your wonderful Columbus history clippings. Failure to do so may put you in the same group that Berkermer (almost) fell into. 

To you I say, No history (or drawings) - No Cheese!

02/24/19 06:41 PM #4853    


David Mitchell

Speaking of the question about who chose the class valedictorian?                        (and I'd still like an answer)

Later tonight they will choose who Hollywood's "Best" are.

I've seen a few but wish I had seen "Roma", "If Beale Street Could Talk", and "Blackklansman". I loved "Green Book" but it has fallen under so much controversy - not factually correct - demonizes Italian Americans - c'mom! (just read that in a USA Today column), and it may just have too much bagage. Too bad. A lot of Buzz about "Roma", but I have a hunch it's going to be "A Star is Born" or "Black Panther". If 'Star' doesn't win, the song surley will. 

"We're Far From the Shallow Now" will be the Oscar winner, but several more great songs in this film.          I just hope "Vice" doesn't win.


But I have decided to offer my own nominations for Best Posts on the Forum.


Most Deer Photographs EVER !  Doctor Jim.

Best Photograph (period) - Bob Berkermer

Sentimental favorite: 2-way tie. Linda Weinder's pictorial about her dad's Country Western band back in the day - too sweet. And Clare's good fortune on the night of the last game in St John Arena. I'd heard that one before and it still touches my heart. A place with a lot of fond memories.

Best Screenplay: Mark's link to his one woman play - "A Night With Jessie". Quite honestly, after a few pages, I realized I didn't have to read it anymore, It was simply speaking to me right off the page. Mesmerizing!

Best Historical Content: Larry - many times over - multiple "Oakleaf Clusters" (in military jargon)

Most Sheer Fun to Read: another 2-way tie. Tim's "Survial School" tale and Tim's "Big Sally" story.

Most Perfectly Written: Mike's review of Hamilton for Orlando Magazine. Damn Mike!

And finally, for the Best Combination of Writing Style, Timing, Humor, Content, and whatever


   May I have the envelope please?


Jack Maxwell's "How Not to Repair Your Roof (if you want to live)"


   * apologies to anyone I may have overlooked - seriously

02/24/19 07:14 PM #4854    


David Mitchell

Ooops, sorry. Forgot one category.


Greatest Risk of Exposing Skeletons in the Closet:  Me


Be very afraid John. Very afraid!  

02/24/19 08:37 PM #4855    


James Hamilton, M. D.


Addition to my Post #4854 - Tim's photo of an active PNW snowstorm in Post #4860 changed my mind so as to expand the time frame for taking and posting pictures from everyone's environments to sunrise to sunset ANY DAY through sunset on Wednesday 27 Feb. Think of this like sending a postcard from your location to all of our 1966 classmates!

So, start shooting,

02/24/19 11:31 PM #4856    


David Mitchell

Cool!  My favorite, "Green Book" won. But I had a gut feeling the ghost of Freddie would sneak in and grab somehting big. And what a wonderfu l acceptance speech the young actor gave. Too many great films this year. I couldn't see them all. 


02/25/19 12:51 AM #4857    


David Mitchell

Hey, I almost missed this on my email today. And I am taking the liberty of puting this notice out on my own.

I got and email from Carolyn (Winchester) Drone that her mother died early Sunday, apparrently in Columbus. She and Jim were in Columbus at the time. Said they are returning to Houston but will be back in Columbus for a funeral on Thursday. She gave me no other details than that.

If anyone wants to be there you will have to look up details in the  "Obits" yourself. I will try to get back to her and gather more info. We used to be pretty close. She has been rather aloof. 

02/25/19 09:05 AM #4858    


David Mitchell

If anybody would likle to send a message, Carolyn's email address is;

02/25/19 12:02 PM #4859    


Michael McLeod

Mary Clare:

I just found that Charles Schultz letter at random on Facebook.

It was recently discovered by the sister of the man Schultz wrote the letter to.

People who say you can't end a sentence with a preposition are full of crap.



02/26/19 07:04 PM #4860    


David Mitchell


Just think. Our grandkids will never know the joy of watching the Ed Sullivan show. It's sad.

02/26/19 08:18 PM #4861    


James Hamilton, M. D.

One more sunrise 🌅 to sunset 🌇 is left to grab your cellphone/camera and snap a photo or two of the weather or something special near your residence and post it here on the Forum. Be sure to tell us where and what it is. See my posts #4805, 4854 and 4867 for details.

02/26/19 11:09 PM #4862    


David Barbour

Just one more thing about the NYT, they will send you an email called "In her words" which is currently

titled "Taking back 'HYSTERICAL' ."  Worth looking at .

02/27/19 11:39 AM #4863    


Robert Berkemer


Picacho Peak State Park, Southern Arizona. Self Portrait

02/27/19 11:42 AM #4864    


Robert Berkemer

Mexican Golden Poppies, Picacho Peak State Park

02/27/19 11:44 AM #4865    


David Mitchell


I hope you are all in a safe place. A nuclear (or nuculer)  bomb is about to go off in the Senate Hearing room shortly. 

Find shelter immediately!  Get to a Subway (not the sandwich shop - well okay maybe), your basement, a neighborhood tavern, or a Starbucks, as soon as possible.
Your roving bomb squad expert.
or Bob's dock by the lake - Nice Bob, you look safe to me. 

02/27/19 12:21 PM #4866    


Bill Reid

My favorite thing to do this morning ... and every morning. As a deacon, assisting Fr. John Nguyen at our morning Mass today, at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carmel Indiana. (I'm a bit taller than Fr. John!)


02/27/19 01:34 PM #4867    


James Hamilton, M. D.

Tim, Bob and Deacon Bill,

That's what I'm looking for! Day to day scenes of things everyone sees or does in their parts of the world.

Keep 'em coming folks, from all over. Hey, Jeanine and Lance, maybe some more AZ shots, Kathy from Chicago, John from NJ, all you Florida and CA folks, good old OH shots, even our rival state to the north, overseas in Spain, South of the border down Mexico way, those Georgia, SC and other southern locals, more from the PNW and everywhere else. I'll add some from CO.

Snap them and post them!


02/27/19 02:48 PM #4868    


David Mitchell

Dock themes are in this year - right Bob?

This the May River and our community dock - about 50 yards from my front yard. May River is home to the cleanest oyster bed waters left on the planet (according to Jaques Cousteaus' son). It was also the inspiration of Johnny Mercer's Oscar winning song "Moon River" (He was from Savannah and had a summer home here in Bluffton). And the location for Pat Conroy's book, "Prince of Tides". He wrote it while living here in Bluffton.


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